13th September 2017

Dear Grove Fields Residents Association (GFRA) member.

This is only a brief update to ensure you are aware of important developments this week. The Committee are meeting on the 20th September after which we will send out a fuller update.

  1. Dacorum's Issues and Options consultation paper is proposing to build 1,000 houses in between Station Road and Bulbourne Road
  2. Securing professional planning advice to respond to the consultation document
  3. What NEXT - contacting politicians, fund raising and growing the membership.


  1. Dacorum's Issues and Options paper

We have seen the draft issues and options paper that will be sent out for public consultation in October. We will have until the end of November to respond to the consultation questions. The key consultation documents can be found at the links below. These documents run to hundreds of pages. The headline is worse than we had feared because the recommended solution (option 2c) is that 1,000 houses and a new road will be built between Bulbourne Road and Station Road.

https://democracy.dacorum.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=157&MId=1359 (Agenda Items)

https://democracy.dacorum.gov.uk/documents/s10933/Cabinet-19-09-2017-Dacorum%20Local%20Plan%20Review%20Appendix%20B.pdf (Issues and Options Local Plan)

     2.  Securing professional planning advice

In order to respond to the consultation document with the appropriate arguments to support the case for not building in Grove Fields we will need advice from planning consultants. We will need to raise funds over the next four weeks to procure the services we need. The GFRA has a bank account and details of how we hope to raise funds will be sent out shortly.

     3.  What NEXT - continue to liaise with politicians and growing the membership.

We have contacted local councillors and our MP with the GFRA case as to why Tring cannot accommodate more housing and why Grove Field is not the right option for housing development. We have had responses from our MP, County Councillor and a few of the Dacorum Councillors. More detail will follow on their support in a future update.

We have over 230 members. To reach our target membership of 1,000 members we need YOUR help. Please share the grovefields@virginmedia.com email address with your neighbours and friends in Tring. All they need to do is email this address to register!

Thank you for caring

The GFRA Committee.

13th September, 2017.

Copyright grovefieldsresidents