Minutes for Committee meeting held in 2019

Grove Fields Residents Association

Committee Meeting


24/03/19 at 7:30pm



Attendees:   Keiron Wybrow, Tony Johnson, Belinda Goss-Lambourne, Dimitri Patrikios, Bob Winter and Graham Bright

Apologies:   None


To take stock of where Dacorum are regarding the development of the local plan.


  • Current Status of development of the local plan
  • Current financial position
  • Neighbourhood Plan for Tring
  • Rights of way across Grove Fields
  • Ideas for updates to the website
  • Update for members
  • Committee Structure from May 2019 to April 2020


  1. GFRA to remain engaged with Dacorum to ensure that when the draft local plan is shared for consultation in August 2019 we receive it promptly
  2. The association will find someone to independently audit our bank account to reconcile expenditure, income and the current balance
  3. We would like Tring Town Council to secure neighbourhood plan status to help the town influence the development of the local plan
  4. Any evidence that members can find regarding rights of way across Grove Fields should be identified
  5. All current members of the committee would like to remain on the committee for the period May 2019 to April 2020
  6. Keiron Wybrow would like the committee to find a new Treasurer for him to handover responsibility to.




Action                                                                                                                                                                                                                Actioned by                                 Due date


Current Status of development of the local plan.

The current timetable is:

  • Draft local plan to be shared for consultation in August 2019
  • To submit the plan to central government for examination in February 2020
  • For the plan to be adopted in December 2020.


There are plans across South West Herts to develop a joint strategic plan for housing in Hemel Hempstead

and across the borders with Three Rivers and Watford. The timetable for this is:

  • Public engagement on developing the plan in September 2019
  • Draft local plan to be shared for consultation in August 2020
  • To submit the plan to central government for examination in October 2020
  • For the plan to be adopted in July 2021.


There are no plans in place for working between Dacorum and Buckinghamshire or Bedfordshire


ACTION: To ensure we have access to the consultation portal and ensure we keep in contact with the planning team.                               Graham                    Ongoing

2   Current financial position

  • The current balance in the GFRA bank account is £2,369


ACTION: To find someone to do an independent audit of our bank account.                                                                                                          Keiron                  April 2019


ACTION: To find out the process for handing over Treasurer responsibilities to a new committee member.                                                   Keiron                   April 2019




3  Neighbourhood Plan for Tring

  • Tring Town Council believe it is too late to develop a Neighbourhood plan for Tring
  • They stated that Hemel Hempstead has been identified as one of 5 new garden towns in England
  • They stated that Hemel Hempstead is expected to take 11,000 new homes
  • They are meeting with James Doe (Director of Planning at Dacorum) and they will call a meeting with us
  • and interested parties once they have more to share


ACTION: Offer capacity to Tring Town Council to draft the application for Neighbourhood Plan Status.                                                         Graham                       April 2019

ACTION: Continue to engage with Tring Town Council to ensure our goals remain aligned.                                                                              Graham                       April 2019


4  Rights of way across Grove Fields

  • There is a time period (by 1st January 2026) where Rights of Way can be registered
  • There are a number of helpful websites where you can search for previous rights of way to register them
  • All members that back on to the Grove Fields should check their House deeds to see if it states they have rights of way or access to the Grove Fields – Netherby Close, Albany Terrace, Wingrave Road and Bulbourne Road


ACTION: Check to see what rights of way Dimitri has through the large gate in to the field                                                               Dimitri                     April 2019

ACTION: Check with Neighbour on Wingrave Road                                                                                                                                     Tony                        April 2019

ACTION: Include a request to check deeds and look in to rights of way in the Members Update                                                      Graham                   April 2019

ACTION: Share website links with Committee Members                                                                                                                            Graham                  April 2019

5  Ideas for updates to the website

  • Need to ensure the website looks up to date so we cannot be challenged by Dacorum that we have become a dormant association


ACTION: Ensure all Updates are uploaded and visible on the website                                                                                                     Bea                        April 2019

ACTION: Ensure all Minutes are uploaded and visible on the website                                                                                                     Bea                        April 2019

ACTION: Add in a countdown clock and work with Bea to help with the website.                                                                                 Tony                      April 2019


6   Update for members

It was agreed that the following items should be included within UPDATE 9 for Members:

  • Confirm the Committee met to take stock of what lay ahead in the coming year
  • Share the expected date for when we will next be consulted on the plan – August 2019
  • The current balance of our fighting fund
  • Request help for researching any access rights or rights of way
  • Explain that all Committee members would like to remain – May 2019 through April 2020 inclusive
  • Request that any members that would be interested in becoming involved on the Committee put themselves forward before the end of April. We have a specific need for a new Treasurer.


ACTION: Draft the Member Update and share with Committee members for comment                                                                      Graham                        April 2019

7   Committee Structure

It was explained that all committee members should, if interested, put themselves forward to continue as committee members for another 12 months (period May 2019 to April 2020 inclusive)

  • All current committee members put themselves forward for another 12 month period
  • All current committee members were unanimously accepted to continue for another 12 month period by the other members of the committee


ACTION: Include a request, in Member UPDATE 9, for additions to the Committee from the membership                                                  Graham                          April 2019


Meeting closed at 8:45pm


Date and time of next meeting will be confirmed via email by committee members




Grove Fields Residents Association 

Minutes for 2017

Committee Meeting

Date               20/07/17 7pm

Version          0.1

Attendees      Keiron Wybrow, Belinda Goss-Lambourne, Dimitri Patrikios and Graham Bright

Apologies      Tony Johnson and Bob Winter


To review progress against Committee actions and to make the necessary preparations for contacting politicians.


  1. Review of progress against actions
  2. Progress made on the leaflet drop and door knock
  3. Review of membership numbers and the future plan for increasing numbers
  4. Amend/Approve Business Plan
  5. Committee statement as to 'why not Grove Fields'
  6. Engagement plan for politicians
  7. Agree the content for 'UPDATE 1' to the Membership
  8. Process for accepting donations
  9. Latest development on the FoI request
  10. Discuss and agree any changes to FB and Website
  11. AOB


  1. Minutes and actions from previous meeting were agreed.
  2. A new simple ‘call to action’ leaflet after the summer break will be developed
  3. Engage the wider membership to help with a ‘door knock’ follow-up to the leaflet drop
  4. A poster or sign (similar to estate agent sign) will be developed
  5. Engage with Tring Living to publish an article
  6. To send the ‘Why not Grove Fields’ statement to MP, Councillors and Francis Whittaker
  7. To send the first update to all members
  8. To provide simple instructions on the website as to how make a donation
  9. Make agreed changes (detail below) in to the website
  10. Blaine Close is to be included within the scope of GFRA


      ACTION                                                                                                                                                                   ACTIONED BY                         DUE DATE

24th May, 2017 Committee Meeting

2   ACTION: Investigate how to set up a bank account for the residents association.                                   Keiron                                    COMPLETE

4   ACTION: Develop the response email to be sent to people confirming they are now a member          Graham                                 COMPLETE

5   ACTION: Identify the Dacorum Councillors                                                                                                      Graham                                 COMPLETE              

 ACTION: Identify a full list of all politicians                                                                                                       Graham                                 COMPLETE                

ACTION: Set up a drop box facility for the residents association                                                                  Bob                                        JUNE                          

ACTION: Understand the process for raising and securing funds from the Town Council                      Keiron and Tony                  JUNE


8th June, 2017 Committee Meeting

6  ACTION: Revise the constitution to reflect that Belinda is the new Secretary and arrange for

    Keiron, Belinda and Graham to sign the constitution                                                                                   Graham                                  COMPLETE

   ACTION: Update the website to reflect the change in Secretary                                                                   Bea                                         COMPLETE


13th June, 2017 Committee Meeting

7  ACTION: The three signatories to attend the bank to show their ID and sign the paperwork

    to set up the account.                                                                                                                                        Graham, Bea, Keiron            COMPLETE


 20th July, 2017 Committee Meeting

8  Progress made on the leaflet drop and door knock

  • Confirmed that all leaflets have now been delivered
  • Soft copy of the leaflet should be sent to membership so they can share with neighbours

     ACTION: Send soft copy of the leaflet to membership with UPDATE 1                                                     Graham                                COMPLETE


9   Review of membership numbers and the future plan for increasing numbers

  • As of 8th September, 2017 the GFRA has 229 registered members
  • Membership growth has slowed – 194 in June, 33 in July and 2 in August
  • Agreed that a new simple ‘call to action’ leaflet after the summer break is required
  • Agreed that we should engage the wider membership to help with a ‘door knock’ follow-up
  • Agreed that a poster or sign (similar to estate agent sign) would be a good idea
  • Agreed that we should engage with Tring Living


    ACTION: Design a new leaflet – “Your opinion matters”                                                                                  Dimitri                               SEPTEMBER

    ACTION: Engage with Tring Living to see if they can include an article in a future issue                           Dimitri                               SEPTEMBER

    ACTION: See if any of the members would be prepared to have a poster or sign at their property       Bea                                     SEPTEMBER

    ACTION: Produce a sign and/or poster                                                                                                               TBC                                     SEPTEMBER

   ACTION: Engage with membership to request a ‘door knock’ follow-up with the existing/new leaflet    Graham                              SEPTEMBER


10  Amend/Approve Business Plan

  • Business plan approved by the Committee

11 Committee statement as to 'why not Grove Fields' and engagement plan for politicians

  • Statement shared prior to the meeting and discussed at the meeting
  • Committee asked to provide any amendments before the end of July
  • Agreed to send the statement to Councillors and MP and then forward on to Francis Whittaker                                                                                
  • ACTION: Incorporate amendments from Committee and email to MP and Councillors                                Graham                    COMPLETE              
  • ACTION: Forward the correspondence on to Francis Whittaker                                                                         Graham                    SEPTEMBER

 12  Agree the content for 'UPDATE 1' to the Membership

  • Update shared prior to the meeting and discussed at the meeting
  • Committee asked to provide any amendments before the end of July
  • Agreed to send the Update before the summer break

       ACTION: Incorporate amendments from Committee and email to membership                                              Graham                    COMPLETE

 13  Process for accepting donations

  • A number of members have expressed a willingness to donate funds
  • A number of members have suggested that securing a planning consultant with funds would be a good idea
  • A simple process for making a donation will be explained on the website i.e. provide account number and sort code for members to make a donation. Send an email to confirm receipt of their donation

       ACTION: Update the website with the process explaining how to give a donation                                            Bea                          SEPTEMBER

14  Latest development on the FoI request

  • Dacorum continue to refuse to release the minutes from the meeting with RELX
  • The Council lawyer has concluded that FoI has been applied appropriately by Dacorum
  • The email from RELX to Dacorum offering to ‘pay for meetings’ was released at the third request
  • The new trees in the field were planted prior to the green belt review being published stating that the boundary should be strengthened i.e. what triggered RELX to do this

        ACTION: Escalate the complaint to the Information Commissioner                                                                    Graham                   SEPTEMBER

15  Discuss and agree any changes to FB and Website

  • Under the ‘Minutes’ heading load the committee minutes in addition to the Grove Road School meeting
  • Include a page for ‘Supported by’ in the menu offering the opportunity for local businesses to advertise
  • Include a page for ‘How to Donate’ in the menu                                                                                                                                                        
  •  ACTION: Incorporate the changes above in to the website                                                                                  Bea                          SEPTEMBER

 16  AOB

  • Blaine Close is to be included within the scope of GFRA
  • GFRA should be more active in using twitter and FB for engaging with Dacorum, Herts, MP and Councillors
  • Set up a social event  in the Autumn (post the publishing of the Issues and Options paper)
  • Need to follow up wildlife and soil surveys with Chiltern Society
  • Need to follow up the leads on publishing articles in the CS magazine and Daily Telegraph

        ACTION: Investigate how best to engage with Twitter and FB with Dacorum, Herts, MP and Councillors      Bea                         SEPTEMBER

        ACTION: Follow up on wildlife and soil surveys                                                                                                          Bea                         SEPTEMBER

       ACTION: Follow up on the article options with CS magazine and Daily Telegraph                                                TBC                         OCTOBER

       ACTION: Make arrangements for a social event                                                                                                          TBC                         OCTOBER


 Next Meeting date and time: Wednesday 20th September, 2017








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