We understand that all households are working within a finite budget and we would not make this request if we did not deem it necessary to make a meaningful impact at this stage. We need to raise over £10,000 to effectively engage a planning consultant, the level of funding we raise will dictate the level of input we can obtain.

We are not in a position to demand money from our membership, but would remind you that if we do not fight this effectively and quickly we are likely to lose a large part of our green belt.

We are requesting £25 per member but will of course be happy to receive as much or as little as you can sensibly afford.

If you would like to make a donation then please either:

  1. Make an online bank transfer
    • Account Number 24937695 and Sort Code 23-05-80
    • Enter your name as your payment reference
  1. Write a cheque
    • Made payable to Grove Fields Residents Association
    • Deliver to our registered address at 11 Netherby Close, Tring. HP23 5PJ

If you would like to receive a written receipt for your donation via email please put your name when asked for a reference. All funds will be held in the GFRA bank account and we have procedures in place to safeguard the funds i.e. two signatories required to spend any funds.

Thank you for helping

Copyright grovefieldsresidents